We are a small company located in Horsens, Denmark. Our products are entirely made by hand, starting from melting the wax to cutting out the labels. Thanks to this, we can provide you with the perfect and unique product. We spent a whole year working on every detail and scent before starting our business. We've learnt a lot, and we are still learning! Every day and every candle is an incredible journey for us, and we hope that you can feel a piece of that by using our products.
Our purpose is to create the best quality product packed in the best quality packaging. We also want it to be eco and environmentally friendly as well. We know how important it is to live in harmony with nature. That's why we do our best to use only sustainable materials, minimize our carbon footprint, and take care of every detail according to the principle of minimalism and celebrating moments.
Why Kun En? Hearing the conversation of our friend and her daughter was a key moment for us. She asked her mom for some candies, and in response she heard Kun en (danish Only one). It made her think for a while and chose her favorite one, that met her expectations and did not cause stomach ache :) We also started to think about other things - why do not surround ourselves with fewer things but better quality items instead of consumerism and buying things without thinking if we really need them? We sincerely encourage you to do the same - to stop, to think and to choose a product you will enjoy. Because we don't just care about selling - we want you to be satisfied, we want to educate ourselves, improve, and we want to behave responsibly towards you and the nature.